Every man has the same birth and right of fulfilling his needs and enjoying protection. Economics, politics and region, all these three fields should synchronize to maintain harmony in the natural rhythm of the mind and body of the individual and to maintain harmony between individuals and society and between the consciousness and the law of nature.
When there is no equality in the power and wealth of men, the mind and body are accelerated to work with abnormal force. As a result, the life-force and mind is disturbed or lost. All the problems in man ans society start here and develop.
The needs of the ignorant masses was met at various times and places by religions or social reformers. After fulfilling the needs, the gratitude developed later on into fanaticism. Groups of fanatics developed in to sects, cults, religions, political parties and various other institutions and organizations. The collective consciousness of the group develops egotism and therefore, acts to acquire power or control over others and suppress competition.
To deliver mankind from all kinds of mental, physical, social, political and economic disturbances and destruction's, only development of spiritual consciousness is the way. Although it takes considerable time, and there are obstructions and opposition by ignorant and innocent groups of people, the spiritual leaders of people, the spiritual leaders should work untiringly and continuously for several decades.