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Daily A Noble Thought - December 29 Formless cannot be perceived through Senses

Space (~ Sath, சத்து, सत्) is the full potential energy. While it is aggravated
, it ranges from tiny energy particles to all living beings to entire galaxies, on its function of origin, activity & transformation (~ Sithu, சித்து ,चित).  The cognition, the great peak of evolution, understanding state of consciousness is pleasure (~Aanantham, ஆனந்தம்,आनन्द).

Even after attaining all these three states, the shapeless (formless) static force which is plenum, boundary-less, cannot be perceived through eyes, ears, nose, tongue and touch, the sensory perceptions.  Since the power which is we and our source of energy the shapeless, should find the state of sperm which is the root for physiological and psychological function, when the consciousness is focussed there, the consciousness itself becomes the primordial, the source state. This cannot be just presumed.

When we look at sky, the visible thing is not the space.  That’s the universe, combination of atoms, the tiny energy particles.  When the light from Sun and other planets falls, the reflective light is sensed as shape and light.  Eternal space which is dark, is shapeless in the static field.

*- Vethathiri Maharishi*

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